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Halda River Researcher CHATTOGRAM: Another dolphin of endangered species was found dead in the River Halda, the lone natural fish spawning centre of major carp fishes of the country, on Wednesday. The dolphin was recovered from the Kagotia area under Raozan Upazila in the district around 11:00am.

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Halda River Researcher CHATTOGRAM: Another dolphin of endangered species was found dead in the River Halda, the lone natural fish spawning centre of major carp fishes of the country, on Wednesday. The dolphin was recovered from the Kagotia area under Raozan Upazila in the district around 11:00am. Jan 06, 2018 · CHITTAGONG: Another dolphin of critically endangered species was found dead in the river Halda, the lone natural fish spawning centre of major carp fishes of the country, on Friday.

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The record derives from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2012-03-26) which reports it as a synonym with original publication details: Gen. Daphne 167 2001.

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