Hamburger me urban dictionary
a) Fuck me b) Bring me a burger. Urban Dictionary and our advertising partners set cookies on your computer to improve our site and the advertisements you see.
How to use hamburger in a sentence. hamburger translate: die Frikadelle, der Hamburger. Learn more in the Cambridge English-German Dictionary. Definition of burger.
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If done right the outcome will strikingly resemble a hamburger. Comes with a sesame seed bun. burger. Minced and reformed beef in a vaguely disc-shaped slab, cooked, and placed inside a bread roll, possibly along with various vegetables and sauces.
This somewhat guilty appreciation of Urban Dictionary and all that they do led us to assemble our top 25 dirtiest/most disgusting/most disturbing words you’ll find there. Let us know if we missed one of your favorites in the comments, and get ready to laugh… and probably barf a little in your mouth.
Trust us when we say you’ll want to put down your lunch when you read these 37 completely disgusting Urban Dictionary definitions: Google has been penalizing this site in its search rankings for years and a Google employee lied about it.Since they have almost killed this site, I am going to start releasing details on Monday August 17 of my conversation with the Google employee who told me about the penalty in secret. very small pieces of beef (= meat from cattle), or this meat pressed into a round, flat shape, cooked, and usually eaten as a sandwich in a small, round roll (= piece of bread): [ U ] a pound of hamburger (meat) [ C ] I’ll take a hamburger and French fries, please. a.
other condiments. Relating to fast food, a burger bitch is also easy to please and cheap looking. me: you burger bitch, we're getting King! by guyinfifth June
share. flag. Flag this item for A burger with breading and cornmeal mixed into a burger patty to extend the meat. The practice has changed—now it’s just cornmeal and pork. Back in the day, it was the combo of beef and breading; you fry it on a flat top, the burger renders fat, and the crispy bread bits soak up the beef tallow. —George Motz.
a round, flat piece of minced beef, fried and usually eaten between two halves of a bread roll…. Learn more.
meat or other food made into a round, fairly flat shape, fried and usually eaten between two…. Learn more. Urban dictionary : fularious street slang defined by Peckham, Aaron. Publication date 2005 Topics Sociology, Urban, English language, Sociologie urbaine, Anglais (Langue) retarded: [adjective] slow or limited in intellectual or emotional development : characterized by mental retardation.
The phrase implies the underlying feeling that the person will unlikely actually pay for the hamburger (or whatever) on Tuesday (or ever, for that matter. "I'd like you to lend me some money" Etymology is from the cartoon "Popeye", where the character Wimpy would frequently utter this phrase. Food. Gay bacon; Pizza Production Engineer; Corporate Death Burger; Pizza; Epic Meal Time A burger with breading and cornmeal mixed into a burger patty to extend the meat. The practice has changed—now it’s just cornmeal and pork.
Guy: Aw man, this would be such a cool pic. The Hamburger. A penis trick in which you fold your dingy between and under your beanbag. Proceed to hold it there and twist the entire unit as a whole. Now your dingy should be between your balls in the horizontal position.
Make hamburger (out) of someone - Idioms by The Free Dictionary.
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Drop off - Idioms by The Free Dictionary Let's drop off Tom and Jerry at the hamburger joint. hit me. 2. See more words with the same meaning: to contact, call,
You can find fake, nasty hamburgers at many fast food places. Burger Kingmore like King of fake burgers! A hamburger is a girl or guy who are considered to be a snack, pretty, or thick.